How To Finish Your Painting
Alain Picard “Radiant Sunset”, 10x10” pastel
It’s an all-too-common problem.
A painting begins with great enthusiasm. Things are going famously as you set off on your creative adventure. Fresh energy and crisp color leave you feeling confident after your first painting session.
But…a few things could use some refinement.
So you return to the painting for one more session to make needed adjustments. That’s when things get complicated.
Have you ever been there, Friend?
Your effort to refine the work ends up costing you valuable color freshness. Bold mark making from the start begins to slip away as you add the details. How do you refine a painting without overworking it?
That’s what this video was all about.
Watch me refine a radiant sunset scene with needed adjustments while retaining that loose, painterly quality that we’re after.